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Question Pour Un Ballon

Context: Game Jam - Isart Digital Montreal Game Week (April 2020)

Time: 5 days

Technology: Unity & Git

Team: 1 Programmer, 2 Game Designers, 2 Artists

Concept: You are a turtle who travel the world to discover the culture of each country. In each level there are 2 phases: In a first time you need to find some hints in the map and then you have to answer to a quiz to wins enought ballons to go to the next country.

Remark: I did all the programming on the game on this Jam: Menus, Quizzes (with questions and answers saved in XML files), Player, Interactions, ...

Calque 2.png
Question Pour Un Ballon: Portfolio
Question Pour Un Ballon: Video
Question Pour Un Ballon: Pro Gallery
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